EndNote X7/X8/X9/20/21 and Word 2010/2013/2016/2019/2021/Office 365 (locally installed desktop version only)
Important Note: This Article is intended to install the EndNote™ Cite While You Write™ tools. If you had the tools and they have disappeared, please see this EndNote Windows: CWYW tools are disabled and missing in Word.
Be sure to have the latest updates for EndNote installed, as support for Word 2016 was added in EndNote X7.5 and all later versions. The simplest way to get the tools to appear in Word is to run the "Repair" function by going to the "Programs and Features" ("Add/Remove Programs" in Windows XP) Control Panel. Browse to and select EndNote X7/X8 and then click "Repair" or Choose "Change" then select "Repair". If an additional dialog appears, click Next on each of these screens until the process finishes. Quit and restart all Office applications and check for the tools in Word.
Alternate Installation Steps:
1. Browse to the EndNote X7 or X8 or X9 or 20 or 21 Program Files folder:
64-bit Machines:
EndNote X7: C:\Program Files (x86)\EndNote X7\
EndNote X8: C:\Program Files (x86)\EndNote X8\
EndNote X9: C:\Program Files (x86)\EndNote X9\
EndNote 20: C:\Program Files (x86)\EndNote 20\
EndNote 21: C:\Program Files (x86)\EndNote 21\
32-bit Machines:
EndNote X7: C:\Program Files\EndNote X7\
EndNote X8: C:\Program Files\EndNote X8\
EndNote X9: C:\Program Files\EndNote X9\
EndNote 20: C:\Program Files\EndNote 20\
EndNote 21: C:\Program Files\EndNote 21\
2. Run the "Configure EndNote.exe" utility.
3. Make sure "Configure EndNote components" is selected and click Next.
4. Select Cite While You Write add-in for Microsoft Office and click Next.
5. Click Finish.
Note: The message may read that the Configuration was cancelled.
6. Open Microsoft Word and look for the EndNote X7/X8/X9/20/21 tools in the ribbon.
If they do not appear, then the tools may need to be manually added to Word:
1. In Windows Search, type Word and right-click > select "Run as administrator.
2. Go to the File Menu and choose "Options."
3. Select "Add-Ins" from the list at the left.
4. At the bottom of the Add-Ins page, there is a "Manage:" dropdown list. Leave this on "COM Add-ins" and select Go.
5. On the COM Add-Ins page, choose the "Add" button.
6. Browse to the following location and select the "EndNote CWYW.dll" file:
NOTE: The location of the above will depend on the version of your Operating System and version of Word.
32-bit machine with 32-bit version of Word:
EndNote 21: C:\Program Files\Common Files\ResearchSoft\Cwyw\21
EndNote 20: C:\Program Files\Common Files\ResearchSoft\Cwyw\20
EndNote X9: C:\Program Files\Common Files\ResearchSoft\Cwyw\19
EndNote X8: C:\Program Files\Common Files\ResearchSoft\Cwyw\18
EndNote X7: C:\Program Files\Common Files\ResearchSoft\Cwyw\17
64-bit Machine with 64-bit Version of Word:
EndNote 21: C:\Program Files\Common Files\ResearchSoft\Cwyw\21
EndNote 20: C:\Program Files\Common Files\ResearchSoft\Cwyw\20
EndNote X9: C:\Program Files\Common Files\ResearchSoft\Cwyw\19
EndNote X8: C:\Program Files\Common Files\ResearchSoft\Cwyw\18
EndNote X7: C:\Program Files\Common Files\ResearchSoft\Cwyw\17
64-bit Machine with 32-bit Version of Word:
EndNote 21: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ResearchSoft\Cwyw\21
EndNote 20: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ResearchSoft\Cwyw\20
EndNote X9: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ResearchSoft\Cwyw\19
EndNote X8: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ResearchSoft\Cwyw\18
EndNote X7: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ResearchSoft\Cwyw\17
Note: If you have common files installed in a different location, you would need to find this CWYW folder in that other location.
7. Once you have Selected the "EndNote CWYW.dll" file, choose OK and OK again to close the COM Add-ins screen. The EndNote tools should now be in Word.