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If you have bought an Endnote (desktop) license you can connect that license with your EndNoteOnline-account, whether you have an existing account or create a new account. This connection, in turn, will elevate the EndNoteOnline account to an EndNoteOnline premium account with e.g. no size limitation.
For a detailed comparison please see this article: How to create an EndNote online/web account. EndNote Premium vs EndNote Basic
We suggest you connect your purchased license EndNote desktop with EndNoteOnline from within your EndNote desktop installation to ensure elevation to a premium account.
If you are already set up you can read about how to share a library in this article How to share an EndNote library.
EndNote 20/21
Start EndNote and go to Edit>Preferences…>Sync>Enable sync.
EndNote X9 and lower:
Start EndNote and go to Edit>Preferences…>Sync>Enable sync or click on any of the other marked icons below.
- Click on Sign Up (regardless if you have an existing account or want to create a new one).
- Enter your email address (either for your existing account or to create a new account).
- EndNote check whether you have an account, or not, based on your email address. If you do not have an account, you will be asked to create one. If you do have an account, you will be asked to enter your password for that account.
- Finally, you will be asked to connect your Endnote license with your EndNoteOnline account.