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Most likely the cause for a slow EndNote is the below:
- EndNote installed on a machine where a previous version of EndNote was installed
- Third-party syncing being used (like iCloud, Dropbox, OneDrive, network drive, etc.)
1. EndNote was previously installed on the computer
Do a complete reset of your EndNote installation following, in order, the instructions below.
- Make sure your EndNoteOnline Sync library is updated (only necessary if you are using EndNoteOnline syncing).
- Discard the Macintosh HD: Users: <username>: Library: Application Support: EndNote folder.
- Go to Macintosh HD: Users: <username>: Library: Preferences
Here, you discard any com.Thomson item which includes the word EndNote.
Also, check for and discard, any older preference items that include EndNote; such as com.ISIResearchSoft, etc. - Discard the actual EndNote program itself (throw in Trash and empty the Trash).
This should allow for a clean installation of the EndNote software. Reinstall EndNote with the most updated installer.
Create a new blank EndNote library in a good safe location on your machine, with a new and clear filename (EndNote, iCloud, Sync and storage location). Synchronize the new library to your EndNoteOnline account to recreate your references locally.
NOTE! Try not to resync any existing local library as the deletion of the preferences can do weird things to the sync history.
2. Third-party syncing
Where to move your library to on your Mac: EndNote, iCloud, Sync and storage location
The EndNote library is saved in a location that is synced using a third-party application (like iCloud, Dropbox, OneDrive, network drive, etc.). The EndNote library will be degraded due to conflicts with third-party syncing applications (Technical reason to use EndNotes sync functionality and nothing else).
If you want to sync your EndNote library please use the built-in sync functionality in EndNote, How to create an account, or connect to EndNoteOnline
Especially with large libraries, the increased chance of collision with another service increases. Third-party scanning or copying of the EndNote library files while they are in use, will have a significant effect in the long run. And, the longer such a library is open, the greater chance of experiencing issues.
Backup services, synchronization, ‘offline’ folders, all fall into this category.