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Read more here (NVivo partner 2011-2025)
The below information applies to NVivo versions 15, 14 and 13/R1/2020. Older NVivo versions are not managed in the myLumivero Portal.
Multi-user licenses bought by organizations
If you purchased multiple NVivo licenses in a single transaction, or Collaboration Cloud, or multiple subscriptions for Transcription, you are responsible for the distribution of the licenses or subscriptions to end users. This is done through your myLumivero account.
For all these products, 1 license or subscription is automatically assigned to you at the time of purchase. You can reassign this to another user, but you remain the sole administrator of the licenses or subscriptions.
Assign licenses from the myLumivero portal. For each product you simply 'assign' users with their email addresses (see below). Assignees are emailed to inform them they can use the product (they must create a myLumivero profile if they don't already have one).
After assignment, your account is linked to the assignees' profiles. This allows them to log in to the product with their personal credentials. (If they have previously been using the product with another account they will need to change the account they are using. For NVivo, this means reactivating their installation).
If an organization is going to purchase multi-user licenses (or just one) that may later be transferred to another user, it is best that the license/s are purchased by the person who will be managing them. Find a detailed description here: How do I move or transfer my NVivo license to another computer or user?
Assign or unassign licenses or subscriptions
The license/s, once purchased by the responsible party, can then be unassigned and assigned in the portal as needed. The purchaser defined in the portal will have the administrator rights to assign and unassign seats, but not the end-user. Please learn more about roles in the myLumivero Portal and where to find you purchases and subscriptions here: About the myLumivero portal
Assign or unassign licenses or subscriptions
Assign or unassign licenses for NVivo or subscriptions for Collaboration Cloud or Transcription by following the instructions below.
1. Log into the myLumivero portal using your personal profile credentials.
2. If you have more than one account, select the one used to buy the product with the licenses/subscriptions you want to assign, from the left navigation select NVivo -> Manage Subscriptions.
This page shows your purchases and the number of licenses/subscriptions available for distribution.
3. Find the NVivo enterprise license and click on the edit icon .
You can view the number of users already assigned and the number of free licenses/subscriptions remaining. Names and email addresses of all assignees are listed.
4. Enter email addresses and, optionally, first and last names:
- Use the Assign Single User tab to add one user at a time.
- Use the Assign Multiple Users tab to add users in a batch file:
i. Download Users upload template.csv to your computer.
ii. Open the file (in Excel, Notepad, or other suitable app).
iii. Add end-user email addresses to the first column (delete the samples in the file). First and last names are optional.
iv. Save the file and then drag it onto the Assign Multiple Users tab (or locate the file in a file management window).
v. Click Assign.
All invited users are listed on the page after you assign. You can:
- View the number of seats allocated and remaining.
- Download the list of assigned users by clicking the Download button in the Assigned Users section.
5. When you submit the email addresses the product license is linked to personal myLumivero profiles for each end user. They receive an email to inform them, with links to further instructions.
- Users without myLumivero profiles also receive a signup email and must complete the creation of myLumivero profiles.
6. End users can now log into and use the product with their personal myLumivero profiles.
You can unassign licenses and redeploy them to other people at any time. In the Manage Subscriptions page, click the edit icon (for the required subscription), and select X beside the person you want to remove and the license becomes available to assign to someone else.
IMPORTANT If transferring an NVivo license, the original license-holder must deactivate their installation(s) of NVivo before the new assignee can activate NVivo on their computer(s). Deactivate NVivo