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This error message refers to an internal EndNote error and could be the result of several things. So, these steps may not correct your specific issue. These are merely the most common causes of this problem and may resolve it on your machine with EndNote.
In some cases, we have seen the error message be resolved after a restart of the machine. You should try that first.
If the error persists:
Working with a specific document - do the following
We need to check if this issue happens with a specific document or with all documents. To verify that, open a new Word document and insert some references. Does the same error message appear?
If the new document works fine, then the issue could be with the specific document you are working on. The issue could be with damaged field codes in that document. Please use the instructions from the Knowledgebase to clean up the field codes in your document.
Working with a specific library - do the following
If the issue happens in your document and a new document the issue could be specific to your library.
Go to File then Close Library.
You should now try the same steps with the Sample Library.
To open the Sample Library
Select Open Library from the File menu in EndNote.
Navigate to the folder /Applications/EndNote XX/Examples and open the file Sample_Library_XX.enlx. This is a compressed (zipped) file. When it is opened it will uncompress to create the Sample_Library_XX.enl file and folder.
Once the Sample Library is open try to insert citations in your document and a new document. Does the same error message appear?
If the error does not occur with the Sample Library then your library maybe damaged.
If you are not using the Sync feature in EndNote you should use the instructions from the Knowledgebase to recover the library.
If you are using the Sync feature then you should try syncing to a new library.
You can open a new blank library and synchronize by clicking Tools > Sync.
Working with anything
If the issue happens with all documents and all libraries, then it may be due to damaged Word Preferences. You should use the instructions from the Knowledgebase to reset the Word Preferences.
If all the steps above do not resolve the error message please contact Technical Support.