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If you are trying to update your EndNote X9, either via the EndNote: EndNote > Check for updates automatic update, or by downloading the update installation file, and get any of these error messages:
"You are currently running the latest version of EndNote X9."
"This updater was unable to find any copies of EndNote that could be updated to EndNote X9.3.2"
Please follow the steps below to solve this problem.
Note: You will need your serial number and product key for your EndNote X9 license to be able to install the full version of EndNote. Please find and keep these license codes in reach before doing the steps below.
- Download the latest, full version of EndNote X9 from here!
Link: - Double-click the downloaded file to start the installation of the latest version of EndNote X9. During installation, click OK when asked to overwrite the existing application.
Note: Users of a preconfigured site installers who are granted a multi-user license can download an up-to-date installer for their license via the link they receive when they purchase EndNote.
Note: If you are part of a site license, please check your university or company web site to update to EndNote X9.3.2.
For singleuser licenses, you will need to re-enter the EndNote X9 Product Key to complete the installation.