To be able to create a license file we need you to send the 'HostID' of your computer to us. If it's a floating license we need the 'HostID' of the license server.
The HostID is the hardware address (mac address) to one of the network interfaces on the computer. There are several ways to find that address, but not always easy to find a one that works.
If you follow the instructions in this article: Installing PTC Mathcad Prime 9.0 you can see at the end how you can find the HostID.
A more old fashioned way is to use the command prompt:
It can also be started by entering cmd in the search field:
Or a faster way is to use the windows key in combination with the R key. That gives you the run box.
Then enter cmd there and click OK.
You can then run the command
ipconfig /all
But if it's hard to find the address you need you can use the PTC tool called CPU_ID. Download it from:
Start a command window and drag the cpu_id.exe into it:
And press enter:
Copy that twelve digit hexadecimal number:
You can do that by just selecting if and press enter or use the small menu: