EndNote X7 and later now allow site administrators greater control over the AutoUpdate functions. For EndNote X7, make sure you have the X7.0.2 or later installer file. While we do not support disabling software updates completely, we now give site administrators the ability to suppress the prompt to check for updates that would require installation. This can be accomplished by the administrator during deployment by setting the public property "USERCANAPPLYUPDATES" to "F".
If you have the EndNote X7 or later installer, this is the command you can use to disable the automatic update check on startup:
If you have the EndNote X7 or later installer, this is the command you can use to disable the automatic update check on startup:
- Latest EndNote 20 MSI Installer
- Latest EndNote X9 MSI Installer
- Latest EndNote X8 MSI Installer
- Latest EndNote X7 MSI Installer
msiexec.exe /i EN20Inst.msi USERCANAPPLYUPDATES=F
msiexec.exe /i ENX9Inst.msi USERCANAPPLYUPDATES=F
msiexec.exe /i ENX8Inst.msi USERCANAPPLYUPDATES=F
msiexec.exe /i ENX7Inst.msi USERCANAPPLYUPDATES=F
This only disables the automatic prompt for installable updates once the application is started. It does not suppress the behaviour of the ‘EndNote Program Updates…’ menu under ‘Help’, which, when used, will always show the appropriate message. If that message is one controlled by the registry setting set during deployment, the download button will be hidden and the ‘Learn More…’ button will prompt the user to contact their site administrator.