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Error message: EndNote is waiting for user information. Please switch to the EndNote program
Sometimes when inserting citation(s), you might see the following error in the Word program. Below are a few reasons and the steps to resolve this:
The below error might come up if any prompt/window is open in the EndNote program. You would need to go to the EndNote program and close the windows/prompts, making sure the reference window is in the frontmost when inserting the references in Word.
If the error persists, close all the applications and restart your computer. Launch the EndNote program and open the library you're working on and then open the Word document to insert a citation. - This can also happen if the EndNote Cite While You Write preferences are set to EndNote online in Word, and credentials are not updated for it. Please follow the steps to switch the tools to EndNote desktop in Word from this article: Switch toolbar in Word between EndNote desktop and EndNoteOnline