Systat 13.2 standalone (single-user) installation guide.
How to set up and install a standalone single-user installation of Systat 13.2.
Please note that Systat 13.2 has different license activation system than earlier version of Systat (13.1 and earlier). You cannot use 13.1 or older license file/key to activate Systat 13.2, but need to request new license file (free for all existing v13 license owners, see below).
Systat 13.2 Single-user standalone installation guide
1. Download and install Systat 13.2
- (64-bit edition. Most computers are 64-bit today)
- (32-bit edition)
Download your Systat 13 installation file from the link aboce. To start the installation right-click the downloaded installation file and choose “Run as administrator”.
2. Activating your Systat license
For activating your Systat license you will need a license file. Please fill in the online license request form below to get this from the producer. Receiving the license file (per email) usually takes 1-2 days.
Please follow the steps below:
- Go to:
- Fill in the online form.
- Submit the request.
First time you start your Systat please right-click the start-icon and choose “Run as administrator”, then click the Update button, and choose “License file”. Click the “...” browse button, then navigate to your license file, and open it. Then click the Ok to update and activate your license.