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When I try to activate ChemDraw I receive ERROR: enabling clock windback detection
This happens if the ./Users/Shared/ directory in your Mac system is read-only. First of all, make sure the date and time on the system are that the correct timezone is used.
To correct this problem:
1. Right-click your Shared folder and select Get Info
2. Change the preferences to Read & Write for all the options listed (System and Everyone)
3. Uninstall ChemDraw.
4. Delete all Revvity or ChemDraw .plist files found on any of these folders:
Macintosh HD\Users\[username]\Library\Preferences
Macintosh HD\Users\[username]\Library\Preferences\ByHost
Macintosh HD\Users\Shared\Library\Preferences
5. Empty the trash
6. Reinstall and Activate ChemDraw again.