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How to set up and distribute Site/Volume licenses of SigmaPlot.
Please see the SigmaPlot 14.5 Site/Volume/Silent installation guide for SigmaPlot version 14.5 instructions. Click here to contact us if you are unsure which version you got a license for.
SigmaPlot 14.0 Site/Volume Install Guide
Download SigmaPlot MSI installation file
You can download the SigmaPlot 14.0 MSI installation file from the following link:
Please correct the username and install path below.
Open a command prompt with a Right-click > Run as administrator. (Click the Windows button and write "cmd").
msiexec /i SPW14Installer.msi CMDLINE="SILENT=TRUE ALLUSERS=TRUE USERNAME=SIGMAUSER SERIALNUMBER=775401234 INSTALLPATH=c:\progra~2\SigmaPlot\SPW14" /lv r:\SigmaPlot14MSI_a138b.log /qn
The above command will install SigmaPlot into c:\program files (x86)\SigmaPlot\SPW14
SigmaPlot 14.0 Silent Update (Patch)
Download the update patch from here:
The contains patch updater with UI for SigmaPlot 14. Please run PatchUpdate_Silent.exe file, instead of Sigmaplot14_0_3_192.exe.
SigmaPlot 14.0 Silent Uninstall
The tool for silent uninstallation of SigmaPlot 14 can be downloaded from here:
The instructions are in the ZIP file. Note that "UPPER-lower" case is important in the command line!
Sigmaplot 13 Site License Installation
Automated install through MS SCCM
Create a ‘txt’ file (or edit the attached one) on the notepad with the following info:
Save it with name “netinst” on the network share directory (e.g. \\server\SigmaPlot\), then rename the extension to “ini” so that it would read as ‘netinst.ini’.
Copy the “SPWInstall.msi” from CD and “Site_License_File.v2c" (your site license file) files to the same network share directory (e.g. \\server\SigmaPlot\) where ‘netinst.ini’ is saved.
*(Now All 3 files “spwinstall.msi”, “SP13_MI.v2c” (your site license file) and ‘netinst.ini’ should exist in the same network share directory (e.g. \\server\SigmaPlot\).
Run command line with Administrative rights (Windows XP, 7 and server 2008).
*To complete these procedures, you must be a member of the Administrators group.
To start a command prompt as an administrator:
- Click Start, click All Programs, and then click Accessories.
- Right‐click Command prompt, and then click Run as… (Windows XP)
Right‐click Command prompt, and then click Run as administrator (Windows 7 and Windows server 2008). - If the User Account Control dialogue box appears, confirm that the action it displays is what you want, and then click Continue.
To start a command prompt as an administrator (alternative method):
- Click Start. (Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008).
In the Start Search box, (Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008)
(Or in the new Windows 8 and Windows server 2012 Start menu select Apps) - Type cmd, and then press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.
- If the User Account Control dialogue box appears, confirm that the action it displays is what you want, and then click Continue.
Enter at the command prompt:
msiexec /i \\server\SigmaPlot\spwinstall.msi /qb INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\SigmaPlot\SPW13".
It should install SigmaPlot silently without asking for any information.
Batch script for adding the hasp_107466.ini file to the profiles of multiple clients on the same machine
Please replace the “” with the server IP address or name hosting the network license. Then save it as batch file and execute it with admin rights on the client machine.
mkdir C:\sigma107466
cd c:\sigma107466
set id=
echo SERVERADDR=%id%>hasp_107466.ini
rem for single profile
For /d %%G in (%userprofile%) Do (Copy "c:\sigma107466\hasp_107466.ini" "%%G\AppData\Local\SafeNet Sentinel\Sentinel LDK" /Y)