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Please try the step below first, as there are some things that you will be asked to do in any EndNote support case. You can save yourself time by trying these steps beforehand and providing us with the results.
Steps to check (see detailed instructions further down)
- Check that your software is up to date
- Try the sample library (eliminates the library as the problem)
- Try a new document (eliminates the document as the problem)
- Send us the library summary
- Send us the library sync status if applicable
1. Check that your software is up to date
What EndNote version do you have (e.g 20 or 20.1)?
EndNote can be affected if EndNote itself is not updated, but Endnote also integrates and depends on your Word version and Operating system. But as a minimum make sure your EndNote is updated.
How to check your EndNote version number:
- EndNote: Help > About EndNote (Windows)
- EndNote: EndNote > About EndNote (Mac)
2. Try the sample library
The sample library is created to function. Even if your library should turn out to be corrupted, the sample library should not be. Trying the sample library eliminates your library as the source of the problem.
Below we show you where the sample by default is located on Windows and Mac
3. Try a new document
EndNote uses hidden field codes in Word documents and sometimes these codes can become corrupted. By trying EndNote in a new blank document you can eliminate your own document as the source of the problem.
4. Library summary
The library summary gives us an overview of your library and we can sometimes spot problems directly from this summary.
Follow the instructions below to see the summary. We appreciate it if you can send us the summary by answering your support ticket email.
- Open your library
- Go to Library>Library Summary... (for versions before 20: Tools>Library summary…)
- Click “Copy to clipboard” and paste it into your answer email
6. Sync status
The sync status gives us an overview of your library’s sync status and we can sometimes spot problems directly from this summary.
Please notice! This is only applicable if you have an EndNoteOnline account and have synced your library before.
Follow the instructions below to see the summary. We appreciate it if you can send us the summary by answering your support ticket email.
- Open your Endnote library
- Click on “Sync Status…” in the group panel
- Click “Copy to clipboard” and paste into your answer email