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This Windows error is most commonly caused by a problem with one of the Windows redistributables on this computer. With SigmaPlot 14, the error message usually points to a missing Visual C++ 2005 / 32-Bit (x86) library.
Please contact/search Microsoft.com for the appropriate version for their system and language.
Here is a link for downloading Visual C++ 2005 / 32-Bit (x86) library (vc_redist.x86.exe) and x64 library (vc_redist.x64.exe). Try the x86 first.
And here is another link for downloading the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (
vcredist_x86.exe and vcredist_x64.exe):
Here is a video showing how to uninstall a Windows Redistributable:
Our customers have had success with just uninstalling the Microsoft Visual 2005 redistributable, restarting the computer, then download from Microsoft.com and do a fresh install of the redistributable.
Advanced stuff that you hopefully don't need...
A brute-force approach to all the redistributables was built by one of the Systat developers:
Please find the tool created to update all Visual Studio Redistributables. This tool (Command Line Utility) will uninstall the existing Visual Studio redistributables and install the latest of all the versions. This installation may take multiple restarts based upon the files being installed and will show appropriate instructions. Please handle with caution! This tool is useful when you have a version conflict with multiple version of Visual Studio DLLs.
Link: www.systat.us/sigma/SPW_VC_Redist_Util_1.0.5.zip
Username: systat@systatsoftware.com
Password: sigmastat2013
Link2: www.alfasoft.science/files/support/SPW_VC_Redist_Util_1.0.5.zip
(In case the above download link doesn't work)
Unzip the "SPW_VC_Redist_Util_1.0.5.zip" file in a separate folder.
This will extract multiple files and folder under the folder "SPW_VC_Redist_Util_1.0.5"
Execute the file "SPW_VC_Redist_Util.exe" inside the folder by right-clicking the file and choosing 'Run As Administrator'.